Michael Fujiwara/YouTube

Shocking Footage Shows Sea Lion Dragging Girl Off Wharf

NEVER turn your back on a sea lion (unless it's behind glass)!

What started out as a fun-filled day on May 20 at the Steveston Fisherman Wharf in Richmond, British Columbia, quickly turned into a scene of sheer shock as a seemingly playful sea lion did an about-face—and dragged a young girl clear from the wharf and into the water below.

The incredible footage, captured by Vancouver's Michael Fujiwara, begins innocently enough. It shows a cute sea lion, leisurely paddling about, while a group of tourists watch in delight. They even toss it scraps of food (which, in hindsight, may not have been the best idea). Because as you're about to see, as soon as a girl sits down at the edge of the wharf, the tables quickly turn.

Here's the dramatic footage:

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As you just saw, all wildlife should be given ample space. It's only a guess, but the sea lion either mistook the white of the girl's dress to be food, or he might have simply been protecting his territory. Either way, the sea lion certainly isn't to blame.

Luckily, the young girl was unharmed, as was her rescuer. This could have had a much worse ending, when you consider the strength these predatory animals possess.

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