The Rock

Read The Rock's Epic Instagram Post About Fishing His Private Pond

The Rock goes off on the bass on his farm.

Many people don't know it, but Dwayne Johnson, aka "The Rock" is quite the avid fisherman in the limited down time he has on his extremely busy schedule.

He recently posted a photo from his private farm pond on his Instagram account with a very WWE-styled rant caption on the bass in his pond.

It's hilarious because this manages to be both every bass angler's dream and nightmare at the same time.

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Here's the caption in full:

As an animal lover - both land and water - I've been raising my bass for years now on our farm. I feed them like kings with live bait and train them to be extra aggressive killers. I have specialists come in to inspect the water, vegetation and ecosystem to make sure they're living like the top of the food chain predators they are. Big daddy comes home to recharge his batteries & spend time with them and not even one of these ungrateful fat hogs will strike my top water plug I've been working for an hour now. Cool.. just remember who's in charge of the fish food truck you sum bitches.
#ResetAndRecharge #JohnsonFarm #WhereEvenTheBassHaveAttitude

Admit it. You read that like he was standing on the shore with a WWE microphone yelling at the water, didn't you? He doesn't spend much time in the ring these days, but he can still cut a hilarious promo.

Boy, his farm looks nice doesn't it? Most of us will never know what it's like to have our own farm with specially-raised and pampered bass like this. But everyone can relate to when the bass just aren't biting!

Thanks for the laugh, Rock, and better luck next time out on the water!