YouTube/Tim Wells Bow Hunter

Tim Wells Finally Achieves an Elk Kill with a Spear

If you never watch Tim Wells hunting videos, the title of this one will surely change that.

Tim Wells isn't your average bow hunter. When others look for the most effective way to harvest an animal, he looks for the most challenging. As a result, we see him take hunting to places hunters have never even considered.

No matter if he's bowfishing for flying fish, bowhunting for flying birds or hunting big-game animals with spears, blowguns and traditional archery equipment, his skills are unmatched.

This time, he took his primal methods to new heights, as he dropped an elk with a spear!

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"I slocked him!" That's the sound of a guy who's got a ton of adrenaline flowing!

We've seen Tim go on a bear hunt and we've seen him hog hunting with a spear. Elk hunting, however, is just hard in general. We don't care what you're using.

We can't imagine how long he spent in that tree waiting for this moment. Speaking of which, it's also rare you see a treestand elk hunt. Most hunts are long jaunts into the backcountry. It just made this hunt all the more interesting.

That big bull elk was on the ground in only 24 seconds, which not only speaks to his abilities as a hunter, but also the effectiveness of a well-placed spear. Honestly, after seeing the heart of this animal, we're shocked he made it as far as he did before expiring.

It's another cool video from Tim and an impressive showing of his skills. Do you think you could take an elk like this?