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Bowhunter Shoots Two Rattlesnakes With One Arrow

A bowhunter took a miraculous shot during a Texas rattlesnake hunt—and it's all on video.

While a slithering reptile isn't the most appealing sight, many snakes are beneficial to the environment. However, when it comes to rattlesnakes, most people only prefer them one way—dead. Despite being important predators in the food chain, rattlesnakes can be quite a nuisance to people living in the western and southern parts of the United States. States like Texas, California, and Arizona get more than their fair share of rattlesnake sightings.

The presence of rattlesnakes can bring a hunt—or any other outdoor activity—to a screeching halt, so people often choose to kill rattlesnakes for the safety of both people and four-legged friends. Dogs can get a rattlesnake vaccine to protect them from the deadly venom, but it can only do so much. They will still need a course of anti-venom. Unfortunately, there is no preventative shot for humans. If you're unlucky enough to be bitten by a rattlesnake, you can expect extreme pain, swelling, bleeding, nausea, shock, and possible death. While most people choose to shoot rattlesnakes, chop off their heads, or even snap them like a bullwhip and break their necks, a video from Red Arrow shows a team of bowhunters taking on two rattlesnakes with one incredible shot.

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The Red Arrow team is hunting in Texas when they come across some funky business going down between two rattlers. Kip draws back, sets the pin, and lets an arrow fly. He misses the first shot, and the snakes don't even flinch. He goes for a second shot and pulls off one that might've earned him a pair of new snakeskin boots.

Hitting a snake with a bow would be difficult, but hitting two snakes on the same shot...well, that's just impressive. Anyone would be hard-pressed to repeat the shot.

Despite the skillful nature of the shot, the video wasn't well received by everyone on Facebook. Several anti-hunters caught wind of the footage, sparking a wave of backlash against Kip in the comments.

However, not all snakes are killed for sport, and rattlesnakes can be a problem for those with livestock. Killing poisonous snakes is a personal choice and completely understandable for people living in rattlesnake country.

READ MORE: 5 Quick Ways to Tell if a Snake is Harmless or Venomous