rabbit hunting

Rabbit Hunting: Kicking the Thick Brush for Bunnies

You don't hear as much about rabbit hunting as you used to, but kicking the brush for cottontails is still one of the great joys of taking to the field.

Rabbit hunting is one of the most enjoyable sports any hunter can participate in. And if you don't have a dog to chase the bunnies, it helps to have some friends who are willing to play the rabbit hound and get in there and kick that thick brush.

A group of friends is out on an icy February day stomping the thickets and doing their best to drive the bunnies to their companion, who is shooting a youth model 20 gauge shotgun.

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He ends up missing a few, but he does bag four cottontail rabbits. It's a good day of small game hunting, and the group effort makes the adventure all the more fun.

The guys had hoped to do a little shed hunting while they were in the field, but that turned out to be a bust. Although Scott Prucha told a story or two about some big bucks that they took on the property, including one monster buck he was fortunate to have bagged on Thanksgiving day last season.

The day might have been wet, cold and a little dreary, but the hunting action was fast and furious, and everybody went home with a smile. And that youth model 20 gauge was more than adequate for the job.

They've got enough for a couple of meals, crockpot meals they say, and that is always a good way to end a day hunting rabbits.

Like what you see here? You can read more great articles by David Smith at his facebook page, Stumpjack Outdoors.

NEXT: How to Tell the Difference Between Squirrel and Rabbit Tracks