YouTube: Matthew Kennelly

Tiny Puppy, Confused By His Hiccups, Becomes Furious

We've all had them: Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, often caused by eating or drinking too fast and swallowing an excess amount of air. On rare occasions, hiccups can be linked to more serious medical conditions, but they're mostly annoying and take forever to go away. You likely don't remember your first hiccups, but I can imagine it was mildly confusing for an infant. When one little puppy discovers hiccups for the first time, the cameras are rolling for an all-time adorable puppy video.

Buck, a heeler, was about eight weeks old when YouTube user Matthew Kennelly uploaded the dog's first battle with hiccups. They start innocently enough, but as they begin to pick up, Buck's demeanor flashes from "what da heck" to "get these things out of me!" As the hiccups progress, Buck's anger slowly boils until he begins barking in response.

Tiny puppies learning the world around them is one thing. However, Buck takes it to another level, as more than 62 million people have viewed the original video of his hiccup battle. The adorable pup's reaction is so over the top, that you just can't help but watch it over and over again.

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And some YouTubers have. One comments, "The more I watch this little guy, the more I want to take him home! So adorable!!!" While another says, "He's so stinking adorable!" Many viewers gave comments from Buck's perspective, giving the already expressive little guys so more personality. "He's all like "Who's doin' that! (hic) HEY! STOP! (hic) WHOEVER'S DOING THAT BETTER STOP!"," wrote one of Buck's fans.

Younger dogs are more likely to have hiccups when overstimulated and excited. It's a big world out there, and dog hiccups are common. Our 18-week-old pup gets them quite often, though he is generally unbothered by them. All you can really do as a dog owner is keep them calm until normal breathing is re-established, which typically doesn't take longer than a few minutes. If hiccups persist far more often than normal, a trip to the veterinarian may be in order.

And if all else fails, use Buck's method: bark at yourself until you convince yourself to stop hiccuping!

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