
Pizza Delivery By Autonomous Car? Domino's and Ford Say Heck Yes!

The future of pizza delivery is here.

Gone are the days of sliding a hot bag into a passenger seat; entering addresses into a GPS unit, and contending with traffic on busy weeknights and weekends.

Now, with pizza delivery by autonomous car, the work is easier. This video shows how it works.

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Dominos and Ford's endeavor

To capitalize on the latest technology, Ford and Dominos have joined forces to design a self-driving pizza car that delivers pies to your door.

You make an order like usual. Next, a worker from Dominos brings the pizza out and places it into the self-driving Ford Fusion.

From there, the car arrives at your residence, school, or business. You come out to greet the vehicle, entering your information on the touchscreen to access your order. Upon confirmation, the window lowers and you have access to your food. Once it senses you grabbed your pizzas, it closes the window and is on its way back to the restaurant.

The testing phase is underway, with Dominos using these cars in Detroit.

"It's going to be a real learning experience. No one really knows what's going to happen when customers walk out to the car. They're faced with a car. There's no human interaction. What happens if they approach the car from the wrong direction? Will people mind coming out of their house? We want to understand all that," Dennis Maloney, Dominos chief digital officer, said to The New York Times.

Efficient and safe

Just think, there could be a time in the not so distant future where you'll order pizzas this way.

What do you think of pizza delivery by these means? Do you think it would be better than having someone deliver your pizza to you?