While some dogs will eat just about anything, others can be like people and have sensitive palates. Having a picky pup can make meal times hard. Luckily, there are some innovative solutions to getting a picky dog interested in what is in its bowl. It is important to remember that there could be various reasons your dog is not interested in their food. Some could be underlying medical conditions, while others could be flavor preferences. If your dog suddenly loses interest in food, contact your veterinarian. However, if your dog is otherwise healthy but is struggling to eat their food, here are some tips for feeding a picky pup.
So you've got a picky dog, now what? Do you just throw some kibble in a bowl and hope for the best? Have no fear! There are lots of reasons your dog may be a picky eater, and there are many solutions around it. Here are 12 tips for feeding a picky dog.
12 Tips For Feeding A Picky Pup
1. Rule Out Medical Conditions

Pexels: Tima Miroshnichenko
Before we get to tips on how to get them to eat, it is important to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Sometimes, if your dog suddenly stops showing an interest in food, it can be due to an underlying condition. It could be dental or digestive issues affecting your pet's desire to eat. If you notice sudden changes in their behavior towards food, it is a good idea to take them to a vet to rule out any issue affecting their attitude and preference towards food.
2. Rule Out Food Allergies

Image via YouraPechkin/Shutterstock
Along the same lines, you want to rule out any food allergies your dog may have. If your dog is sensitive to a particular food, it may avoid foods that contain that ingredient. If your dog is sensitive to common ingredients such as chicken, beef, or wheat, which are present in most dog foods, it may appear to be a picky eater. However, you don't have a picky pup; you have a health concisou pup! They don't want to eat what hurts their tummy. You can take them to the vet to get a food allergy test.
3. Ensure Your Food Is Fresh
Just like people, dogs don't want old food. Before declaring that you have a picky dog, ensure that the food you are giving them is fresh. Does it smell fine? Does it have a nice appearance to it? Has it passed its expiration date? Ensuring your dog's food is fresh can help limit the chances of them not consuming their food or getting sick from it.
4. Create A Safe Space

Pexels: Cup of Couple
Some dogs get anxious or need to feel safe to lower their guard enough to eat. Ensure they have a safe location in the home, removed from others and noise, where they can eat in peace. Make this their permanent feeding spot so they know this is their designated space for eating.
5. Use The Right Bowl

Getty Images: Chalabala
Yes, the serving dish does matter. Plastic bowls can affect the smell and taste of dog food, so you should avoid them. Stainless steel is the best option for its easy sanitation options. You want to wash your dog's bowl after each meal so no old food smell deters them from eating.
Additionally, the placement and height of the bowl matter depending on your dog. Senior dogs appreciate a raised bowl, while flat-faced dogs may need a specialized bowl for their eating habits.
6. Add Some Pizazz

A beagle, as seen here, is the type of dog that Envigo neglected. Credit: Wikicommons
Just like us, dogs like a little additional flavors. A great tip for feeding your picky pup is to add a delicious topper to their meal. Plenty of dog toppers and dog food mix-ins are available at pet stores. Certain human foods are safe to mix in small amounts as well.
7. No Table Scraps For Your Picky Pup
While avoiding the adorable begging eyes can be hard, you must resist. Not only can it lead to digestive upset, but you also create bad eating habits. Your dog now knows they don't need to eat from their bowl because they expect to share your dinner. Also, why would they eat kibble when they could have some of your steak?
8. Play With Texture And Flavor
Just like us, dogs get tired of the same old thing day in and day out. Try experimenting with different flavors and textures to spice up your dog's food and picky eating habits. You can incorporate shredded wet food, gently cooked dog food, frozen raw dinner patties, and more.
Additionally, you can change the flavor of food for your picky pup by switching up the protein. Try chicken one week, fish the next, beef the next, and so on. New textures and flavors can help renew your dog's interest in food and help manage picky eating behaviors.
9. Watch The Portions

Although we want our pups to be well-fed, they may be telling you something if they never finish a meal. If you are not feeding your dog according to its size and goal weight, you may be overfeeding it, which makes it harder for it to digest. Speak with your veterinarian to learn how much you should be feeding your dog.
10. Have A Routine

Chalabala via Getty Images
Create a schedule that works for both you and your pup. If you put food in the bowl all day and let it sit, this could be contributing to your picky pup's behavior. Have specific times of day when your dog eats. They will come to expect food at that time. Then, remove their food 30 minutes after their food time so your picky dog understands they have set times to eat. Never leave raw or wet dog food out for more than two hours.
11. Work Up An Appetite

Pexels: Elina Volkova
If you know your dog's meal times, try working up their appetite beforehand. Take them for a long walk, play tug-of-war, or fetch. If you have a very active pup, taking them for a swim, to the dog park, or on an obstacle course can also be a great way to build appetite. Having them burn energy before mealtime increases the likelihood that they will eat.
12. Make Meal Times Fun

Pexels: Owen.outdoors
One final way to combat feeding a picky pup is to make meal times fun. Treat the food as if it is a treat. Get excited about servicing it to your dogs. Furthermore, you can get special toys or bowls that make eating like a game. There are some balls that the dog needs to roll to get the food out or mats shaped like mazes that help your dog eat slower.
In addition to being interested in eating again, your dog is also getting a great daily dose of enrichment, which can help lessen stress and anxiety.