Now You Can Video Chat with Your Pet from Work

Away from home and desperately missing your four-legged companions?

Well, you're in luck, because now you can video chat with your furry family members. Thanks to PetChatz HD and PawCall technology, your dog or cat will be able to initiate two-way video calls simply by pressing - or, rather - pawing a button on the floor of your house.

When a pet presses the PawCall accessory, it will connect to the PetChatz HD "Greet & Treat" videophone. That means that with a smartphone, tablet, or computer, pet owners will be able to have face-to-face contact with their pets from anywhere, at anytime. This technology works both ways, so that both owners and pets can initiate two-way audio and video chats. PetChatz PawCall starts the process on the pet's side with the pet camera, while pet owners can initiate contact via PetChatz on their phone or computer.

In the interest of maximizing call quality, PetChatz HD boasts an HD, low-light camera, and a high-performing audio system.

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Have a look at PetChatz and PawCall in action:

This technology was designed with pet safety in mind. Easy to install, the home unit is low-profile, chew-resistant, and durable. In addition, the system does more than just allow pets and their owners to have contact remotely. Owners can program the home PetChatz unit as a snack or PetChatz treat dispenser as well as release calming scents. The two-way video chat unit can be super beneficial for pets with separation anxiety.

This multi-sensory technology is just the thing for doting pet parents. The system is available for purchase in the company's online store and on Amazon for $370. You can read more about the product, including where and how to purchase it, here.

Would you use this technology to keep in touch with your fur babies? Tell us in the comments below.

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