turkey paint
YouTube: federalpremiumammo

Meet Nicole Larson: The Turkey Feather Painter

Nicole Larson's incredible artistic talent is showcased in this candid video from Federal Premium.

We first brought you the wonderful turkey feather artwork of Nicole Larson back in the fall of 2016.

In that feature, we showcased the detailed and life-like paint work that goes into each of Larson's feathered creations, a passion she began a decade ago.

Federal Premium recently released a behind-the-scenes video which offers a candid glimpse into the artwork of Larson, touching on where the feathers come from and how each has its own story. You also get a close-up view into the intricate detail that goes into each single brushstroke she applies. The result is absolutely breathtaking.

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Here's the video:

Wouldn't a one-of-a-kind painted turkey feather look incredible up on your wall? To find out more information, or to order, head over to Larson's website here. You can also contact her directly at [email protected].

We love showcasing artists such as Nicole that have exceptional talent. If you're a fan of moose antlers, you definitely want to check out Samuel Côté, a 20-year-old carver from Quebec City, Canada. You can see that image-filled feature here.

Outdoor artistry, particularly of the genre that showcases hunting and fishing traditions, has continued to grow more and more in popularity and for good reason. What better way—outside of taxidermy—could you honor the mementos you bring home from one of your outdoor adventures?

We continue to see creative ideas in the turkey hunting and shed hunting communities, but what other artsy trends could we start to see?

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