"I jumped up to see what was going on," Seago explained to Fox News in an interview. "I looked out the back window and saw nothing, so I ran to the front of the house where my daughter was looking out the window. I couldn't believe what I was seeing."

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"Cruiser had this huge hog confused with all of the barking and movement," he continued. "It was not a good situation."

Only five yards from their front porch! Can you imagine seeing something of that size that close to your house and pet?

feral hog

Wade Seago / Alabama Outdoors

Fearing the worst of the situation, Seago quickly scurried in the house grabbed the .38 revolver he had in the house for home protection and made his way back to the front porch.

"By the time I got in a position to shoot, the hog was about 12 yards away," he said. "Cruiser was out of my line to the hog so I fired."

After three shots fired, the hog finally expired in the yard right next to the Seago's carport.

feral hog

Wade Seago / Alabama Outdoors


feral hog

Wade Seago / Alabama Outdoors

Seago obviously knew he had something remarkable. He drove to a peanut company's location, where he knew he could get hold of a set of scales. He weighed the pig and was blown away at the 820-pound figure. A monster hog, to say the least.

Seago is planning on mounting the hog himself and showcasing it in his taxidermy shop with a head and shoulder mount.

As we all know, feral hogs cause insane amounts of damage to land and agricultural each year. And many speculations are going around if it was even a wild pig to begin with. One being that size is certainly unheard of and out of the norm.  With the amounts of damage they cause, hunters are allowed to kill as many of them as they want under Alabama Law, so there was no wrong doing in the situation.

feral hog

Wade Seago / Alabama Outdoors

Even if it turns out to be someone's penned hog that escaped, can you blame the guy for pulling the trigger? 820 pounds and six inches of tusk could do some serious damage to a dog and a person if it felt threatened.

"I didn't think twice about taking down this hog," Seago said. "I'd do it again tomorrow."

I believe many would agree with that statement. Hogzilla is down for the count, and what a story it is!