Jefferson Huntsman/Facebook

Mom and Baby Moose Cause Adorable Road Block in Alaska

This footage of a mom moose and her newborn calf is guaranteed to melt your heart.

All newborn animals are adorable in their own way, but there's something about the wobbly legs of a moose calf that makes you go 'awwww.' This video, shot by Jefferson and Julieta Huntsman in Homer, Alaska, shows a precious moose jam on a major road. And what a treat to see for the vehicles that were passing through.

This calf looks to be only hours old and mom decided to teach it the rules of the road right off the bat. Hopefully it will gain a healthy fear of pavement, staying well clear on any future walk-abouts. It is refreshing to see that all of the drivers were respectful, pulling over safely to ensure no harm came to this pair.

Here's the cute video:

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The Huntsman posted this update to their Facebook page shortly after sharing the video:

"I've been in contact with a few people involving the momma and baby moose. They're both doing great. They came up to my backyard yesterday to feast on my lawn."

Here's another cool moose traffic jam we featured last year, this time initiated by a bruiser bull. You can watch that epic video HERE.

Moose. What's not to love.

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