Steve Demarais and Bronson Strickland, MSU Wildlife professors, recording a Deer University podcast. Photo: Mississippi State University

Mississippi State Fires up New Deer University Podcast, to the Delight of Hunters

Mississippi State University has started its own podcast and the topic will be all things deer and deer hunting.

11 May saw the first podcast release of Deer University from the campus of Mississippi State University. Hunters and wildlife enthusiasts can now register and listen to experts talk all things deer.

The brainchildren of this exciting project are Steve Demarais and Bronson Strickland. Two avid deer hunters who just happen to be deer biologists and professors of wildlife management at MSU.

The aim of this initiative is to provide expert advice on deer behaviour, biology and habitat which hunters and land owners will find intriguing, entertaining, and helpful. Audiences will also be able to participate in question and answer sessions with these deer experts, providing a unique and interesting platform.

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MSU has its own department called the MSU Deer Lab and are widely recognized as leading experts on the whitetail deer.

To access their first podcasts be sure to follow these links:

Click this link, then click on the podcast icon.

Click at links below and listen to four of the new Podcasts:

Deer University Introduction

Deer University/Episode 1-Who's Your Daddy?

DeerUniversity/Culling Explained - Part 1

Deer University/Culling Explained - Part 2

MSU has provided a great resource that hunters and wildlife land managers will find interesting and informative to answer some of their questions and build their knowledge on all things deer.