
Minnesota Hunter's Treestand Fall Lawsuit Against His Father Reinstated

The Minnesota Court of Appeals just reinstated a lawsuit pitting father against son.

A 2016 revision to the owner's liability laws in Minnesota stated that property owner's are protected from issues stemming from accidents pertaining to hunters who use their land with permission, and in Robert Ouradnik's case a lower court agreed.

Now the Minnesota Court of Appeals has voted to reinstate a lawsuit against Ouradnik brought by a hunter that was injured in a fall from one of his treestands.

The hunter in question: Corey Ouradnik, Robert's son.

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The father, Robert, only let close members of his family use the land for hunting. The Court of Appeals now needed to answer the question of whether Minnesota's recreational-use statute shields such land owners whose land that isn't open to 'public' hunting.

The issue now is that the Minnesota State Legislature never defined what "public" is.

The ruling handed down by the Court of Appeals stated that in order to receive protection from the statute, the senior Ouradnik (Robert) would have had to open up his land to said public, not just Corey or other close family members.

The ruling, seen here, has now stated that case as matter-of-fact.

It's not known at this time what the extent of the younger Ouradnik's injuries are, but what is known is that he fell from a treestand on his father's property about 16-feet and is now suing him with the appellate court's blessing.

