Meet the New Puppies at El Paso Humane All Named After Fruit

"Brownie" was already taken, but puppy names from the produce aisle don't disappoint.

Four Beagle mixes arrived at the Humane Society of El Paso and the staff had a little bit of fun giving them names.

Meet Banana, Papaya, Pineapple, and let's not forget Avocado. Will Avocado live up to the temperamental fruit's name?

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Papaya is the only female in the litter. Pineapple is the signature sleepy head. And Banana is patiently ready and waiting for love.

All of the puppies were quickly adopted, which isn't surprising considering the video had over 11,500 views in just three days.

We're pretty pleased with these pooch names, but can we get a Guava or Pomelo next time?


The Humane Society of El Paso does amazing things for the homeless, neglected, and abused animals in the community. To see some adoptable pets from the shelter, check these guys out. And to donate to their cause, go here.

What fruit name would you love to give a puppy? Tell us in the comments below!

WATCH NOW: Happiness Is a Warm Puppy