little bass angler

This Little Bass Angler's Reaction Will Make Your Day

This little bass angler just can't contain his excitement at catching a bass, and he expresses himself with the predictable enthusiasm that never gets old.

We all know the excitement that comes with catching a big fish or that first fish that starts the day. Sometimes you just gotta pump your fist and quietly whisper "YES!" between your teeth. This little bass angler knows exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm guessing that the little fellow is modeling after seeing his dad's own excited response to catching a lunker once or twice. But whatever, his reaction to catching what for him is a whopper of a bass is simply priceless, and speaks to the kid in all of us.

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No doubt most of us can relate to and identify with this boy and remember some of our early fishing or outdoor experiences with our fathers. Good times...good times...

There's no question that taking your kids hunting, fishing or trapping is tremendously good for them. Kids that find their entertainment in the great outdoors generally seem to grow up to be more well rounded and responsible adults than kids who have the television set or video game controller as their constant babysitter.

I love how this little boy quietly expresses his joy behind his dad's back, while his dad unhooks the fish, as though this is entirely his moment and he's just trying to maintain a cool exterior.

This is precious, and I'm betting there are a lot of dads out there planning on raising their sons and daughters to be just as excited to have a fishing rod, a .22 rifle or a trap in their hands.

Well done, dad!

Like what you see here? You can read more great articles by David Smith at his facebook page, Stumpjack Outdoors.

NEXT: Man Catches Largemouth Bass with His Beard!