YouTube: Richard Wesley

Black Bear Charges, Then Tackles Hunter While Camera Rolls

Black bears can be unpredictable. Just ask Richard Wesley.

This video is about as intense as they come, and it offers a glimpse into how truly wild and unpredictable black bears can be.

For Richard Wesley, hunting black bear along an old logging road quickly turned from serene to downright scaryand it all happened in the blink of an eye.

As you're about to see, Wesley is enjoying his spring hunt with his trusty recurve bow at Fire River in Ontario, Canada. But the tables quickly turn when an approaching black bear suddenly sprints forward and tackles him to the ground. This is a hunter's worst nightmare, bar none.

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Here's the incredible footage:

Talk about one scary situation! Here's what Wesley said about the attack on his YouTube channel:

"I am so happy after this confrontation with a black bear during our spring hunt. No wounds except a bruised elbow and ego where the bear threw me down. Genuinely happy that this was a non fatal or tragic outcome. Proving that the black bear is a wild and unpredictable animal. Again so happy with the outcome."

This is a good reminder of how wild nature truly is. Situations can change in secondsand they can be life-threatening.

We're guessing Wesley will be packing a canister of bear spray on his hunt next spring - and quite possibly a second pair of underwear, just in case.

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