Soccer Net
Cleveland 19

Improvised Rescue of 8-Point Buck Caught in Soccer Net Ends Happily

This buck tangled with the wrong opponent, gets caught in soccer net.

The stories continue to get crazier and crazier. First there was a deer in a bar. Then it was a gym. Then another gym. It seems deer are being found nearly everywhere lately, except underneath your tree stand. This time, an unfortunate buck got himself caught in the net of a soccer goal.

This story comes to us from Sheffield Lake, Ohio - and we know what you're thinking. Who plays soccer in the winter in Ohio? Anyway, officers and a school custodian worked to free the 8-point buck earlier this week.

Police officer Richard Broz held the buck's antlers while two other officers and the school custodian got him untangled.

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"I can remember watching 'Wild Kingdom' with my dad when I was a child. They always turned the deer's head sideways, which I guess put it off balance, which made it easier to control," Broz said.

He also gave this chilling description of the encounter.

"At least once, if I was not wearing body armor, I would have been impaled by the horns," said Broz. He told Cleveland 19 News that the group's plan was working until they were about to cut the last rope. That's when the deer said he'd had enough.

Cleveland 19 News Cleveland, OH

"I pushed the deer and I guess the deer wanted to prove that he was the boss, so he charged at me, "continued Broz. "He hit me in the chest with his head and knocked me on my tail. Then he turned and ran." Cleveland 19 news reports that no one was hurt and the deer was able to run free.

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