If You're a Fisherman and None of These 10 Memes Make You Laugh, Nothing Will

How many of these can you relate to?

Take a gander at these hilarious fishing memes. Guaranteed to remind you of yourself or someone you know.

1. The "Professional"

bass memes

We all have that one friend who always knows just a little bit more than you do. Telling a big fish story? He'll have caught one that was at least an inch bigger than yours.

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2. Love at First Sight

bass memes


Chances are, you and that same know-it-all friend had your own Step Brother's moment. There might have been fireworks, even a little goosebumps, when you both found out that the other shared a mutual fishing passion.

3. Our Inner Child

Now I know why their front doors are full of smudges.

4. Absolutely Not

How dare your fishing partner even think of such a question. The Rock knows what's going on!

5. Rain or Shine


You are a smart man, Pat.

6. Time Management

Have to give this guy an, "A+" for effort. Tight lines, sir.

6. Mr. Bill Murray Says it Best

I wonder if the Dalai Lama told him this? That would only justify the claim further.

7. Noodle Arms

It's like throwing a wiffle ball! Might want to take a few practice casts before you need to rely on your accuracy.

8. Mother Nature

We all know how frustrating the weather can be. Unfortunately, the weekend warriors in all of us have experienced this far too many times.

9. Literally

You should always listen to your boss, they say.

10. Amen

If you ask him where he caught his fish he'll say, "in the water." Combine enough experience on the water, and maybe you'll catch as many fish as this guy. I've got a hunch you'll also need a mustache like that, too.

