
'Hungry Life' Debuts, Spotlighting Chef Eduardo Garcia's Wild Food Exploration

Chef Eduardo Garcia experiences the bounty of the great outdoors in YETI's epic videography breakthrough.

Whether you love what they do or not, there's no denying YETI makes some really high quality stuff. You can take that to mean coolers and tumblers, but I'm specifically singling out their consistently spectacular video creation, and the exclamation point they just added to their extensive YouTube channel collection.

Hungry Life just debuted, and it's already got us hooked on the concept of seeing the outdoors as your pantry and kitchen. Chef Eduardo Garcia and the production crew behind plenty of other standard-setting outdoor videos has brought what we feel defines what's really good about what we do.

Hunting and fishing shows, both digital and network-based, are constantly trying to capture what it is that we love about this world, and Hungry Life is already showing flashes of precisely what makes it so great.

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Chef Garcia is an incredibly inspiring and intriguing story in himself, and you can learn a whole lot more in the interview we did with him in 2016. This new series isn't exploiting his lack of a left hand, but it sure is incredible to keep reminding yourself what he's doing with what he's got.

Trust me, he'd be the first to tell you he's not in the business of selling out.

The mighty Yellowstone serves as the backdrop for this first video in the series. One thing's for sure, that's a catchy opening tune.

This next one focuses on hunting and spearfishing in Hawaii. Talk about a hard-earned meal!

Face it, who wouldn't want to go fishing in Laguna Madre? I've done it myself, but never prepared anything to this level. I'll have to try this (or at least some of it) next time I'm visiting Corpus Christi and happen upon a chance to go after redfish with a fly rod (which needs to be sooner than later).

Chef Garcia fights the big one in the Yucatan with fly guides Hilary Hutcheson and Oliver White.

Bighorn sheep hunting in his home state of Montana brings Garcia to an awfully special place.

In its entirety, Hungry Life pays homage to what I think Eduardo Garcia embodies the best: A wild spirit, a hunger for life, and the need to share and make people aware of the incredibly amazing resources we have at our disposal.

Take that for granted, and you'll be doing the sort of thing we scream about: Wasting the preciousness of our natural world, and not treating it with the respect it deserves.

Chef Garcia would never do that, and Hungry Life should persuade you not to either.