
30 Nectar-Filled Flowers Hummingbirds Love!

Attract hummingbirds to your garden with the best and brightest flowers you can easily plant today. Hummingbirds do have their favorites! The sweetest pollinators (besides bees) are lookin' for sweet nectar!

If you're not sure which plants can provide hummers with a healthy hummingbird garden to visit, start with our list. Keep in mind that hummingbirds also love a place where they can nest and eat at, so consider hummingbird feeders and birdhouses. These nectar-filled plants are also great for attracting butterflies. A lot of these are low-maintenance, so don't worry if you don't have green thumb!

Hummingbird Flowers

1. Salvia

Sage is a popular salvia plant we're all familiar with. Especially purple salvia. For the purpose of attracting hummingbirds, stick to scarlet sage. Many believe red is a hummingbird's favorite color! Plant these and watch them bloom up to two feet.

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2. Columbine

Also known as aquilegia, columbine flowers bloom in a variety of colors. Popular colors you'll see these flowers in are shades of red and pink.

3. Monarda

You might know these as bee balm. Growth is wonderful in zones 4-9.

4. Honeysuckle

These beauties are full of nectar and can bloom in late summer and fall. They come in a shades of white, orange, and pink. Honeysuckles can grow 5-to 20 feet tall!

5. Butterfly Bush

Outsidepride says hummingbirds prefer dark butterfly bushes, and that butterflies prefer the lighter blooms. If you want a garden full of both, buddleia is a great choice!

6. Penstemon

Beard tongue flowers are a favorite for hummingbirds, but they're also a favorite for pests. They have an abundance of nectar. It's important to have a pesticide free garden for hummingbirds, so be wary of keeping bugs away. Beard tongues really do look like fuzzy tongues! If you like unique flowers, you'll love this one.

7. Petunias

So stunning! Hummingbirds are known for pollinating petunias. Be sure to plant these in well-drained soil.

8. Coral Bells

For those interested in bushy plants, heuchera is the perfect flower for hummingbirds. They bloom in shades of red, pink, and orange! These bright and bushy plants are also drought tolerant.

9. Lantana

Some gorgeous bright sunny flowers that hummingbirds will flock to are Lantanas. These perennials like full sun and partial shade. A major perk is that they're also deer resistant.

10. Hibiscus

Chinese hibiscus flowers look out of this world! Look at those colors.

11. Zinnia

If you live in a warm and sunny area, you'll have a garden full of blooming Zinnias. Their upright stems and orange petal combo is a favorite for hummingbird gardens.

12. Foxglove

You'll often see Foxgloves bloom with white, yellow, or lavender petals.

13. Hollyhock

Since they're biennial flowers, you'll see these bloom on their second year instead of their first. With tall stems and bright pink petals, hummingbirds won't miss them.

14. Nicotiana

Nicotiana flowers are known for their strong fragrance. You and hummingbirds will be stopping by the garden to get a sniff of these flowers.

15. Campsis 

Campsis radicans, or trumpet creepers aren't shy at all. These fast growing vines can grow up to 40 feet high.

16. Impatiens

Hummingbirds love how easy it is to access nectar from these tubular flowers.

17. Crocosmia

Supposedly deer do not like crocosmia at all! If you've ever had trouble with deer invading your garden, they'll leave these to the hummingbirds.

18. Fuchsia

If you haven't caught on yet, well-draining soil helps many species of plants thrive. Make sure to plant fuchsias in well-draining soil to avoid root rot.

19. Rhododendron

This shrub can grow large. If you need some ground cover of purple flowers, plant some of these to attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

20. Kniphofia

A bicolor combination of flowers is perfect for hummingbirds. They're also drought tolerant, so don't forget to plant these if you're in a dry climate area. These flame resembling flowers have a nickname, red hot poker.

21. Agastache

You might know these by their common name, anise hyssop. To prevent mildew powder from growing on these, make sure you leave some space between seeds when planting.

22. Phlox

These white flowers hold a lot of nectar! Wouldn't you go for the plate packed with the most food? That's how hummingbirds see phlox flowers!

23. Lobelia cardinalis

Cardinal flowers are a top pick for hummingbirds. They're showy, bright, and red! Hummingbirds can't resist.

24. Catmint

Catmint has a similar smell to lavender, which brings hummingbirds flocking to them!

25. Dahlia

Dahlias are bright and full of nectar, making them hummingbird plants.

26. Daylily

Daylilies can bloom in a variety of bold colors, all attractive enough for hummingbirds.

27. Yucca

These drought resistant flowers are hummingbird friendly!

28. Bleeding Hearts

The name seems a bit sad, but these plants look bright and cheery to hummingbirds!

29. Liatris

I don't know about you, but reliable plants are my favorite! They will bloom every year for hummingbirds.

30. Geranium

Bold and red, hummingbirds will not stay away from these gorgeous plants!

Hummingbird Feeder

Don't forget to hang a hummingbird feeder! They will also make them regulars to your garden.

Elegant Copper Glass Hummingbird Feeder

Many customers are so happy with their hummingbird feeders! This feeder has a rating of 4.9 stars, and is under $20. Please, be sure to keep hummingbird feeders clean. A good rule of thumb is to clean feeders at least every 4-5 days. If you're not sure how to clean them, here's some help.

Get it here for $15.95.

Watch: 10 Common Poisonous Plants Your Pets Should Avoid