Horse Breaks Through Ice into Swimming Pool, Precarious Rescue Ensues

A horse who fell into a swimming pool needed help to get himself out of the situation, and slings and some heavy machinery proved to be the solution.

When a horse plunged through ice covering a swimming pool, he suddenly found himself in danger and in need of rescue. Luckily for him, rescuers came to his aid and got creative when determining just how to get the horse out of the pool.

The horse, a five-year-old gelding, was in a six-foot-deep swimming pool. Rescuers created slings and used machinery to slowly and carefully lift the gelding straight up out of the pool, returning him to safety once again.

See the dramatic rescue below.

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Large animal rescue is a challenging feat. Rescuers never know just what type of a situation they'll encounter, and keeping both themselves and the animal safe during the process needs to be a priority. This is made more challenging by the fact that rescuers are usually firefighters and first responders who may not have received training in the specifics of large animal rescue. Some crews also have limited equipment, and may have to get creative in rigging up slings, slides, and other rescue gear.

If you ever find a large animal in need of rescue, your first call should be to 911 - and then your second should usually be to your vet. Many first responders work in conjunction with vets, who can evaluate, sedate, and triage large animals in these dangerous situations.

Prevention also plays a significant role here, too. Taking the time to fence off pools, ponds, and other potential hazards may help you to avoid a rescue like this one entirely. You won't ever be able to completely eliminate risk, but with some preventative work, you can minimize the chances of your horse needing a dramatic rescue in the future.

Have you ever assisted in a large animal rescue? Tell us about it in the comments.

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