A Simple Guide to Every Pet's Favorite Holiday


What do you think your pet's favorite holiday?

Yes, holidays are for humans. But our pets are such a huge part of our lives they often are forced to celebrate with you.

They might not appreciate being dressed up, or maybe they show off their outfits, but one thing is for sure: pets get more treats around the holidays. So they might not know why we are celebrating but they know it is a special time.

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Which pet did you hit pause for? Check out why that pet may like that holiday the best.


Begging for the Holiday Feast

While you still have to be careful that Fido doesn't get cooked turkey or chicken bones, a scrap or two of turkey skin or a green bean won't hurt. Plus, the way the house smells after all those amazing things get cooked and served make this holiday an easy favorite for pets.

They are also, of course, grateful that you are grateful for them. That means extra love around the end of November. It is no wonder if this holiday is your pet's favorite time of year.

Christmas-Time Holidays

Christmas horse

Holidays in December also have amazing food, so your dog may look forward to their family's version of celebrating, whether that be Christmas, Hannukah, of Kwanzaa.

Most cultures have some sort of a celebration at the end of the year which revolves around a meal shared with family and some sort of gift-giving. If you have pets in your family, they can usually expect a new toy, some catnip, or maybe a few extra carrots.

It wouldn't be too surprising if your pet's favorite time of the year was Christmastime!

New Years

gray weimaraner at New Years

Some pets are nervous around big groups of people so New Years might not be your pet's favorite time of the year. But some dogs and cats are super friendly and enjoy having lots of people around who dole out plenty of love.

If you have that outgoing pet, then New Years just may be their favorite holiday. Just make sure they have somewhere quiet to go if the noisemakers get overwhelming.

Plus, maybe they're ready for a new year too!

Valentine's Day

cat in a shirt and tie with a flower on a red background isolate

Your pet doesn't like this special day because of the candy and chocolate (keep those far away from your furry friends); your pet knows this day is special because it is a time to recognize the love all around them. They love this holiday because they know they are your year-round Valentine.

They get extra kisses and heart-shaped treats and they can just feel the love in the air.


rabbits with Easter eggs on wooden background

Your pet may love Easter because he gets to be outside! Easter egg hunts may be your pet's secret activity so he may wait for this day all year.

Easter often includes a nice meal with family, so this may be your pet's favorite holiday because of the table scraps and the additional family members in the house!

Fourth of July

Cute Boston Terrier Dog Wearing Fourth of July Stars and Stripes Sunglasses and Necklace

Independence Day is undoubtedly your pet's favorite day because it is filled with activities that involve the outdoors. They may get to go for a hike before heading to the beach, and then they get to finish at a barbecue.

Just make sure they feel safe when it is time for fireworks!


hamster in a pumpkin

Your pet's favorite time of the year may be Halloween. Again, not because of the chocolate or candy, but maybe he likes playing dress-up and having everyone fawn over him.

Some pets really enjoy being the center of attention. Plus, there are lots of pumpkins around Halloween and pumpkins are good for lots of different kinds of pets!

Your pet is excited about the holidays mainly because he can sense you getting excited about something. All the hustle and bustle that happens around holidays signals that something big and exciting is happening.

Your pet may not understand why these events happen but they know you're happy and that makes them happy.

This article was originally published December 21, 2016.

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