YouTube/BroNeck Cinema

He's Got 99 Problems But Catchin' Fish Ain't One

There are lots of things to worry about these days, but for this guy, catchin' fish ain't one.

Fishing's for everyone, and a love for it can span demographics, generations, geography, and personality types.

When we came across BroNeck Cinema on YouTube, and heard his rendition of a hip hop classic, we knew this was a great example of that notion. Maybe there's more country music played on fishing boats, but to think no rap or hip hop fans ever fish is preposterous.

Ultimately, it's proof that the best things about being an angler create common ground, and a sense of community.

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You've heard this song before, but probably not this version.

OK, so Jay-Z he ain't, but that's still pretty good. The "act" gets a little silly, but he can actually rap, he's making sense, and it's all fishing-related. Pretty awesome if you ask us.

The only description in BroNeck Cinema's YouTube channel says "Hip Hop Fishing." Yeah, that's accurate. His Facebook page is a little more active, with a lot more videos to peruse.

It's cool to think that the lineup of folks who love fishing this time of year is so diverse, and becoming more so. And by all accounts, it appears like this guys having a good time, poking a little fun at himself and his hobbies. If you don't have a sense of humor, you aren't gonna like this sort of thing anyway. And we can't really help you...

But if you do, you probably got a kick out of this video just like we did.

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