Facebook/Dave MacKenzie

‘Hammy’ the Purple-Antlered Buck Finally Gets a Haircut

A buck in British Columbia named "Hammy" for the purple hammock stuck in his antlers now has a clean rack!

The adventures of this amazing whitetail deer are a hit to the folks in Prince Rupert, B.C. Hammy has people dressing as him on Halloween, t-shirts in his honor, and even his own Facebook page!

Back in August 2017, Marcedés Mack was back in Prince Rupert visiting family when it all started.

"I heard distress calls from our backyard and went to check things out," Mack said. "I looked over and saw Hammy caught (in the neighbor's yard) in a hammock thrashing around."

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After a call to the local Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Hammy was free and on his way...except for a clump of purple fabric left behind on his antlers. Once folks in the area knew what to look for, Hammy become something of a celebrity.

Once hundreds of photos of the now-famous buck circled the internet, the legend of Hammy thrived and folks made the most of it!


At this time, authorities have captured Hammy and removed his famous locks.

Conservation officers have set the whitetail freeand the only thing remaining is some purple coloring in his rack. When his antlers fall off this winter, Hammy will lose his fame and fortune, but his legend will live on!

Cover photo by Dave MacKenzie via Facebook