great horned owl

Great Save! Great Horned Owl Rescued From Fishing Line at Texas Golf Course

A motivated superintendent at an Austin golf course was able to free a great horned owl that was tangled in fishing line.

When Lost Creek Country Club superintendent Craig Loving started his work day back on March 18, 2017 he probably didn't know that he would end up in waders trying to free an owl.

Once the hard working Austin area golf course super learned that a great horned owl was tangled in some waste fishing line near the first tee, Loving sprang into action.

Check out this great video of how you care for wildlife and make your mom proud at the same time!

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Even Mr. Loving's mom got into the action saying, "I'm so proud of you son. It's a great video and job well done. Mom"

It was great to see the easy touch with which he cut the line and untangled the owl, and as much as it was about caring for the animal it was also something to do with self preservation.

Loving said in the video,

"A little intimidating, especially when his beak started snapping at me, but it was cool, it was definitely very cool!

Well said and congratulations on a great save! Thanks to the Lost Creek Country Club FB page for sharing this unique and thoughtful video!

While many golf courses in the U.S. allow fishing on their grounds it's still private property and permission must be obtained. It's not known whether fishermen will be banned from LCCC, but as all sportsmen should know: never leave fishing line where wildlife could get tangled.

When you walk away, it has to look like you were never there!