Glacier National Park Bear
YouTube: Michael Carstensen

Grizzly Bear and Cubs Scared Away From Trail and Hikers By Glacier National Park Ranger

This ranger perfectly demonstrates what to do in a bear encounter.

One of the most frightening scenarios that can happen to anyone in the outdoors is an unexpected run-in with a large bear. Especially if that bear just happens to be a sow with cubs. If the bear is a grizzly, the danger potential goes up even more. These animals will not hesitate to defend themselves and their young if they are startled or threatened.

This leads to potential conflicts when the animals wander onto the many hiking trails in our Nation's National Parks system. Glacier National Park is well known for being a prime bear hotspot, and proper bear safety is a must every time you leave the parking lot to explore wild areas.

Today's video highlights a ranger at Glacier who has just spotted a sow grizzly and two cubs just off the trail. There are some hikers coming down the trail from the opposite direction causing the ranger to spring into action to make sure an unwanted encounter does not happen.

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If you go and read up on the National Park Service's bear safety guidelines, this ranger did everything by the book for a close bear encounter. He stays calm, yet also makes plenty of noise to identify himself as human to the animal. Note how he never takes his eyes off the animal the whole time he moves away from it. The movements were slow and deliberate, with the can of bear spray out in front of him just in case.

Fortunately, it appears momma and her cubs were more interested in just getting past the trail and further up the mountain. The trail just happened to cross their path. The extra noise and aggressiveness on the part of the ranger as they ran away was intentional. Ideally, the animals are hazed and keep a fear of humans that keeps them away from campsites and buildings and in the wilderness where they belong.

Ideally, you want to stay at least 100 yards away from any bear you encounter in the wild. If you find yourself closer than that, just keep this video in mind for how to properly avoid an attack. Who knows? It may save your life one day.

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