Fishing for Texas Bucks: A Wild Rescue Caught on Video

Fishing for bucks?! For these Texas men, saving a beast of a deer from drowning was simply the right thing to do.

Who here has ever went fishing for bucks? The thought of heading out with fishing poles but making your way back to shore with a deer seems pretty incredulous, doesn't it? But it's a true tale for one Texas man and it was all caught on video.

Blake Wilson, from Collinsville, Texas, was with a buddy on Lake Texoma on January 28, 2017, when they spotted a deer in distress. And this was no ordinary deerbut one brute of a buck. An avid hunter, and obvious conservationist, Wilson set a plan in place to rescue this deer before it succumbed to exhaustion.

Wilson posted the incredible rescue footage to his Facebook page, where it quickly garnered over 1 million views.

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What a gorgeous rack on that beast of buck! As you could see, the deer was showing obvious signs of exhaustion. It would seem if not for the help Wilson and his friend provided, this whitetail would unfortunately have passed on.

When questioned if the big buck survived when released on shore, Wilson replied with this:

"Man I was happy to save this deer. And as a hunter it was hard to let him go haha but to save this deer was so cool and I hope next year someone will get a shot at him. Yes, I think he made it."

Great job on the rescue, Blake. We appreciate your compassion.