Family Dog Mauls And Kills 6-Week-Old In Devastating Tragedy
Photo via Mark Mansoor/Facebook

Family Dog Mauls And Kills 6-Week-Old In Devastating Tragedy

It's a scenario no family ever wants to find themselves in. A family dog mauled and killed a six-week-old baby while he was sleeping his crib. It's a tragedy all the way around that leaves you asking why.

As a father to a five month old myself and a dog owner, I feel very sensitive to this news. Dogs are man's best friend, but news story after news story shows they sometimes unleash their inner wild animal and attack those most vulnerable. The incident happened at the family's home in Knoxville, Tennessee. Ezra Mansoor was just six weeks hold. The family's husky attacked the infant while he was sleeping. Sadly, his injuries were too great, and he passed away after six days in the hospital

"Being his mom was the biggest honor and the best thing I've ever done," the mother Chloe Mansoor told WVLT. The entire family is grieving the lost. For nearly a week, the infant had been in critical condition. The baby suffered both bleeding in the brain as well as swelling. Both parents were first time parents unaware of the dangers lurking in their own home.

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Family Dog Kills Baby

They said that it was a completely unprovoked attack. It shocked them. They had owned the dog for eight years, and it never showed any signs of aggression. The incident shook them. Both parents have decided to donate his organs to other babies, hoping their tragedy might save other infants in the process. It's the one thing they're holding onto right now.

"Really don't take anything for granted even if it's a moment you're annoyed in the moment or frustrated in. All of those little moments are still so amazing," Chloe Mansoor told the outlet. "Pray for all the family really, everyone loved him so much. I know everyone's grieving right now, we're grieving right now, and it's going to be a lifelong process trying to work through this."

Currently, authorities took the family dog to an animal shelter. The Knox County Sheriff's Office is currently investigating the incident. Right, it's unknown if authorities plan to charge the parents with any crime. However, the mother has a strong message to any dog owners that are also parents. "And to just bring awareness that it could be any dog at any time. Completely unprovoked, no matter what the history is," Chloe Mansoor told WVLT.