This pup takes "man's best friend" to a whole new level. This Golden Retriever is most likely the only reason that his owner survived a tragic fall the other day. The pair were out together when, according to the NY Post, the owner "tumbled 20 feet down a Pittsburgh area hillside and couldn't get back up after suffering a severe hip injury." Read this incredible story and learn how this dog saves its owner.
Dog Saves Its Owner In Incredible Heroic Story

Screenshot from Ross West View EMSA Facebook
While this dog could not pull the man up, he knew he had to help his owner. He raced towards the nearest neighbors and alerted them of the problem. After seeing the dog in distress, the neighbors called for first responders for assistance. Shortly after, Ross West View EMSA arrived on the scene. Thanks to his quick thinking, this dog truly saves its owner.
In a Facebook post, EMSA officials mentioned that once they found the man, "additional resources were required to assist in the extrication." They went on to describe the process. "The patient was treated for pain and trauma over the hill. A rope system was set up off of Rescue 40 with a mechanical advantage and basket. The patient was safely extricated and transported to a local Trauma center. "
Something even more incredible than this rescue on August 1 was that this man's dog would not leave his side. Local rescuers claimed, "The pup refused to leave the scene until the patient was safely topside and transported. He was rewarded with some treats and a big bowl of water on this hot day!"
Can Dogs Sense When You Are In Trouble?
After seeing the incredible heroics of this day, where a dog saves its owner, people may wonder about their own dogs. Would my dog save me if something happened? According to Wag, "Dogs also have the ability to detect injuries that even medical professionals did not know about."
Wag continues to point out how dogs seem to notice when their owners are falling ill even before they do. Additionally, dogs become more attentive to their owners once they become ill. That is because "their intelligence coupled with their superior smelling abilities allow them to detect a wide range of scents, including those emitted by your very own injuries and/or diseases."
The article goes on to discuss how your dog will show you that it recognizes your ailment. Once your dog becomes aware of your condition, it may become extra attentive to you. It will show increased curiosity in the area that is afflicted and mimic your movements until you are safely at home. Once safe, it will cuddle and stay near you.
Or, as is the case with this Golden Retriever, if your dog realizes you cannot move to safety, they will bring safety to you. Although you may feel like your dog is nothing more than a couch potato, they would likely try to save you the way this dog saves its owner.