trail cam

Can a Fox Caught in a Trap Get Away From a Marauding Coyote? Watch and Find Out

A trapper out to get coyotes found a by-catch fox in his set. What his trail cam caught is amazing, and you're not ready for the ending.

A trapper's trail cam video system caught footage of a fox caught in a leg-hold trap when an opportunistic coyote shows up. Can the little fox hold off a marauding coyote with one leg trapped? Will the coyote simply wear him down?

There's more than one ending to this saga, but be warned: the video shows an animal caught in a leg-hold trap struggling to survive.

Here's the video:

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That little fox is dynamite! Seeing that it had to fight off the coyote, survive the night, and then deal with a human trying to free him he did pretty well.

By-catch in trapping is not uncommon. When you set out bait it has the ability to attract a variety of critters that may not be the desired target. Certainly knowing the seasons and bag limits are the right beginning for any prospective trapper, but understanding what other animals might come to your set in paramount.

This trapper did the right thing by letting the fox go, either because it wasn't his main target or it was out of season.

What do you think, was it the same fox that was being seen again on his trail cam?