Clydesdale Falls Through Frozen Pond, Leading to an Incredible Rescue

When a Clydesdale fell through the ice, both local deputies and firefighters worked together to perform an incredible rescue.

Seamus the Clydesdale was stuck in the freezing water, but deputies from the Elbert County Sheriff's Department and firefighters from the Elizabeth Fire Rescue of Colorado rallied together to save the horse.

To perform the incredible rescue, the first responders worked together to pull the horse out of the pond using a number of ropes. They were able to get the horse close enough to the edge of the ice so that he could climb out on his own.

Once out, Dale Rice, a veterinarian who was on hand during the rescue, examined the horse for any signs of injury. Seamus' owner, Tracy Corwin-Beckman, says that after spending a night in the barn, the horse seemed to be doing just fine.

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See the incredible rescue below:

The day after Seamus was pulled out of the pond, the sheriff's deputies received a batch of homemade cookies from the horse himself. The cookies were accompanied by a note that read, "Thanks for pulling my gigantic behind out of the pond - Love Seamus."
The firefighters also received a batch of cookies, which Corwin-Beckman was kind enough to deliver for Seamus. After all, he needed to rest up after his big adventure.


Rescuing horses and other large animals is no simple feat, and no two rescues are the same. However, when people work together, they can accomplish impressive feats. Both Seamus and his owner are grateful to the first responders for helping Seamus out of a dangerous situation.

Have you ever had to help a horse out of a tight situation? Tell us about it in the comments.

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