Baby Skunks Find Unexpected Foster Mom in Caring Dog

A mother's love transcends many boundaries.

In this case, it even transcends the one between species.

These baby skunks were rejected at birth by their mother. The people caring from them knew hand-rearing them wouldn't be easy. Fortunately, they had help.

The family's dog, Freddie, jumped right in and began caring for the skunks as their foster mom. According to the people who posted the video, from the moment she set eyes on them, Freddie wouldn't leave the babies alone. The human caretakers feed the babies, but Freddie does everything else for them, just as their own mother ordinarily would.

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Watch Freddie care for her little ones:

They don't share DNA, but Freddie didn't get the memo. These are her babies, and thanks to her motherly instincts, they're getting off to a great start in life!

Freddie isn't the only dog who's adopted someone else's babies. Check out this Malamute and her foster kittens. Then, watch this proud mama dog care for her baby cows.

How sweet is this little family? Tell us what you thought in the comments section!

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