Bow Kills
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60 Seconds of Bow Kills That'll Get Your Blood Pumping

Sweet November is here and that means the rut, which also means big bucks hitting the dirt. Get ready for 60 seconds of adrenaline.

Bow season is officially here and we couldn't be more excited. Hunters across the country head to the stands because of one thing—the rut. With the rut comes big bucks on their feet and that is why we all love it so much. It won't be long before big bucks will be making mistakes that could lead them past your treestand.

In case you were still weren't feeling the hunting season vibes, we have a video that will change your mind in a hurry.

Check out this 60-second montage of bow kills from Red Arrow TV. We promise you won't be disappointed.

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I can't think of a sweeter sound than the soft tone of an arrow releasing from a bow. The only thing better is maybe the thwack of that arrow hitting a mature buck. Simply put, it's magical.

There's something special about being that close to an animal that intelligent without them knowing you're there. Thankfully, the rut brings us many of those opportunities.

Hunt hard, be safe and good luck...the rut is upon us!