If you are new to the camping world there can be a lot of things to wrap your head around. Best times to go, how to pitch a tent, how to start a fire, the list seems endless. However, there are some really important things to keep in mind that many people forget about. Hopefully, this article will help you. Here are 5 beginner camping mistakes and how not to make them.
Beginner Camping Mistakes

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Below are 5 beginner camping mistakes that many people often make when they are new to camping. In the sections below we will detail how to avoid making these mistakes.
- Don't mistake clear water for safe-to-drink water
- Don't underestimate how cold it gets at night
- Underestimating the necessity of a sleeping mat
- Not being selective with where you set up camp
- Not being aware of carbon monoxide
Clear vs. Safe Water
Contrary to popular belief, clear water does not mean it is safe. What makes water safe or unsafe is not always detectable by the human eye. To ensure water is safe-to-drink you should boil and filter it.
Packing For Nighttime
Another common beginner camping mistake is that people only think about the weather during the day. However when the sun goes down things can get chilly, even during the warmer months. When packing be sure to keep night in mind, and bring a sleeping mat as well as a sleeping bag.
The Importance Of A Sleeping Mat
Speaking of sleeping mats, you will need one. Most beginner campers make the mistake of thinking a sleeping bag is enough...it is not. You lose body heat quickly when in contact with the cold ground. Having that sleeping mat under you creates a protective layer between you and the ground.
Location, Location, Location
While this one seems like common sense, some people are unaware of the best and worst places to set up camp. You do not want to set up camp near stagnant water. That is a breeding ground for insets like mosquitoes. Similarly, being near bodies of water in general can be dangerous as well because of flooding. Additionally, too close to flowering plants or in flowering meadows also is a high-traffic area for insects.
Not Being Aware Of Carbon Monoxide
Again, this one may seem self explanatory but a lot of people die making this beginner camping mistake. Both the gas stove and portable BBQ produce carbon monoxide, which is an invisible but extremely poisonous gas. If you allow it to build up in an enclosed space like your tent is a potentially fatal mistake.
To see even more beginner camping mistakes check out AlfieAestehtics informative Youtube Video