Surviving in the wilderness is hard no matter where you are. However each location brings about its own unique challenges. Perhaps one of the more daunting places to find yourself stranded is a desert. Regardless, there are still some tricks you can pull out of your sleeve to make surviving that much easier. Here are 10 tips for surviving in the desert.
1. Plan Ahead
I know this tip for surviving in the desert seems hilarious. After all, no one plans to be stranded in the wilderness. However, if you end up stranded in the desert I can only assume that you intended to go there for some reason. Therefore you want to prepare as much as possible for this trip. Know your starting point, your end point, and the desired amount of time you plan to be out there. Be sure you have an idea of where you are going and how far things are.
2. Pack Survival Gear

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While you may only plan on being out in the sand for an hour, it is always best to pack for a survival situation. That means a first-aid kit, things to start a file, a water filtering system, a compass etc. You want to have all of your survival essentials ready to go.
3. Inform People Of Your Whereabouts
Part of the planning process is making sure you tell people where you are going. Include as many details as possible. Where you will be going, how long you should be staying, what time you plan to arrive. The more information you provide the better chance they have of finding you if you get lost and are surviving in the desert.
4. Where The Proper Clothing
While deserts are known for being hot, you don't want to walk out there in a T-shirt and shorts. The direct sun on your skin can burn you and will have harsh consequences. Wear long sleeves and pants to shield yourself, as well as a wide brim hat. Shielding yourself from the sun also helps prevent dehydration.
5. Take Water But Preserve Sweat

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If you plan on surviving in the desert you want to make sure you packed plenty of water, as it is in short supply out there. However, almost more importantly than conserving your water, you should conserve your sweat. Try your best to maintain a normal body temperature and shield your skin from the sun. If you burn you will start to sweat which will speed up dehydration. Try to avoid wandering around when the sun is at its highest point and build a shelter that lets in a breeze.
6. Do Not Drink The Cactus
One of the most common survival myths for surviving in the desert is that you can drink the water inside of the cactus when you are in a pinch. The water within that cactus is not pure enough for you to drink and it can be toxic to humans. That momentary quench of thirst is not worth the risk. You may need to dig for your water source.
7. Be Prepared To Make A Fire
Many people don't think about fire in the desert because of how hot it is during the day. However one thing most people don't know about surviving in the desert is that it gets freezing at night. Not only will the fire help keep you warm in the evening hours but it can also be a beacon or signal for rescuers to come and find you.
8. Be Wary Of Wildlife

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On top of everything else you are worried about you need to be aware of wildlife. The desert is home to some of the planet's most dangerous animals. When sticking your hands under rocks be wary of things like spiders, scorpions, or snakes. A bite from any of those could be fatal.
9. Stay Off Of The Ground
Trust me I get it, surviving in the desert is not easy. It is hot and bright and sometimes all you want to do is lie down and rest. However, that can be a bad idea. The ground tends to be hotter than the air by about 30 degrees. Not only could this hurt you but it will make you even hotter, raising your body temperature and making you sweat more. You need to find some sort of cushion between you and the ground. Additionally, it should be about a foot and a half thick of a space between you and the ground.
10. Get To High Ground
The desert may seem like a giant flatland but you want to get as high as possible. Leather Man shares that "drowning kills more people in the desert than dehydration." Flash flooding happens often and quick in the desert and if you are caught in a ditch, arroyo, or canyon it could be deadly. So get to high ground and stay there.