You'll be Amazed by These Incredible Midair Bowfishing Shots

This sniper-like bowfisherman makes a series of incredible midair shots.

You might as well call him the Robin Hood of bowfishing. John Paul Morris, son of Bass Pro founder Johnny Morris, was on the Illinois River with some friends recently and was making some incredible midair shots at flying Asian Carp.

The crew were bowfishing for carp. The Asian carp seen in the video are an aggressive invasive species that are making their way further north through various water ways. Presence of the carp can be incredibly detrimental to many native, local fish species.

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As you can tell, this isn't Morris' first time bowfishing. He also set a Missouri state record for largemouth buffalo fish while bowfishing earlier this year. That fish weighed in at a whopping 58 pounds.

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