wounded but not broken
Vimeo: OP1 Creative

'Wounded But Not Broken' Illustrates the Power of Hunting

"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have."

Retired chief warrant officer Patrick Scrogin found himself facing two tests. One was how he would respond to the events of Sept. 11, 2001. The next was how he would rebound from a devastating helicopter crash that happened during a mission in Iraq.

The crash left him with life-altering injuries, which included an amputated leg and a slew of broken bones, which included severe facial injuries.

This story isn't about a tragic helicopter crash, though. It isn't about the miracle that kept Scrogin alive. Rather, it's about a man's decision to make the most of his situation, without revisiting all the possibilities of what could've been different.

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"You can do anything on this earth you want to do," Scrogin says. "You just have to have the fortitude and the will to do it."

We see a lot of veterans turn to hunting as a escape to solace, which I think likely stems from two key factors.

First, it's an avenue in which they can appropriately take advantage of their skills as a strategist and a marksman. The second is one only hunters will ever truly understand.

Hunting, particularly big-game hunting, provides people with a drive that can drown out every ounce of stress in the world. It offers a disconnection from everything going on in your life, which can be incredibly therapeutic sometimes.

This video should make everyone, hunter or not, want to work harder to make the most of the hand they were dealt.

I tip my cap to Scrogin and all the other veterans out there who have made these kinds of sacrifices for the rest of us. And, to say I admire his fortitude in bouncing back from such a tragedy would be an understatement.


