I would be lying to you if I said the thought of petting a deer has never crossed my mind. They are so adorable and seem so docile, so yes I have thought about it. However, I have never done it because I know it is best to leave wild animals alone. Well, the same can not be said for everyone. A guy sees an adorable deer and decides to try and go in for a pet. Well, his video went viral but I am sure not in the way that he was hoping for. If his video shows us one thing, it is why you shouldn't pet a deer.
Viral Video Shows Why You Shouldn't Pet A Deer

Screenshot from Instagram
While deer are so cute and appear to be quite docile creatures, this video shows a side of them that I didn't know existed. While we don't have much context to go off of, the account is literally called @nocontextpreston, it is clear to see what happened here. This guy was out and about for a stroll and noticed a deer on the other side of the fence.
The deer seemed calm and composed so he decided to give it a little pet. He successfully slides his hand through the fence and gives the deer a little pet on her nose. He should have stopped while he was ahead. While the deer didn't look thrilled that this man had just pet her, she did not react.
However, when he went in to try and pet her again he learned why you should not try and pet a deer. After his hand made contact with her again she lunged for his hand. She also made a terrifying sort of grunt sound. Honestly it sounded like one of those pig dog toys. The things where when your dog bites it, it makes that horrible deep grunt/squeal sound.
I never knew what sort of noise a deer would make and now that I do, I wish I hadn't heard it. Somehow it is not as peaceful as I imagined.
Jump Scare Just In Time For Halloween
If you are looking to get spooked for Halloween, you should watch this video. Not only do you learn why you should not try and pet a deer but you also get a good old-fashioned jump scare. I promise, even with me telling you it's there you will probably still jump.
Comments on the internet varied from their own fear to scolding the man for attempting to pet the deer. One user wrote, "I jumped so badly that I almost threw my phone." Another pointed out, "Bro this is not Cinderella's castle. The birds ain't singing for you." A third commented, " I love and hate deer lmao they're beautiful but also TERRIFYING. HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN PREHISTORIC DEER? Diabolical."
While we are uncertain of the events that happened after the video ended we do know one thing for sure. This man, and all those who watched learned why they shouldn't try and pet a deer.