What's a Camper's Best Friend? This Little Item

This little friend might save your life.

A firestarter can be always carried and when needed it is there for you.

This camper's best friend is otherwise known as the handy firestarter.

What item other than your trusty knife can save your life in a dire situation?

Luckily there's a source for a fire that can both warm your spirit and your bones. When an emergency situation arises and the temps begin to drop, all you will be able to think about is how to stay warm. A small unobtrusive item can create hot sparks that will readily ignite any tinder available.

Firestarters come in many forms. What they all accomplish is a warm fire that can be used to dry out wet clothes, cook food, repel wild beasts and even warm up your spirits.

Military style magnesium firestarters pack both a sparking rod and a magnesium bar. Scrape off a pile of magnesium shavings then strike the sparking rod and shower the hot sparks onto the shavings. Build your fire from that great start.

When you head out into the wilds never forget your knife and your firestarter. Your life might just depend on it one day.