Watch This Incredible British Columbia Moose Hunt

A British Columbia moose hunt isn't for the faint-hearted. However, as you can see in this video, it can also be quite an adrenaline rush.

How would you like to be looking across a clearing and be able to see a pair of moose antlers peeking out from all the vegetation? This lucky hunter dealt with some cold and miserable conditions on his hunt in the Cassiar Mountains of northern British Columbia, but he also got the moose hunt of a lifetime.

Moose in the Cassiar Mountains are among the largest in the world (only their cousins in Alaska and the Yukon Territory are bigger). A hunter took the current world record Western Canada Moose in this part of Canada back in 1998, so it's not an understatement to say that there are some incredible genetics in the moose population.

Not surprisingly, the moose hunting is pretty darn good in that area.

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The video starts after these hunters identified two bedded moose across the clearing in front of them. The smaller bull immediately turns and looks at the hunters after they start calling. See if you can spot the second bull before he stands up.

In case you were wondering why he waited so long to shoot, it was because the second moose was the bigger of the two. Once it stood up and offered the hunter a shot, he didn't mess around and put one into its shoulder.

Though his first shot looked good, it always pays to take as many follow-up shots as possible on these massive animals while they are still on their feet. Luckily, his second shot knocked the moose down for the count.

Does moose hunting in Canada look like an awesome experience or what?

Like what you see here? You can learn more about these Canada moose hunting trips on their web site or follow them on FacebookInstagram.