Bison takes an icy tumble
Getty Images, Scalia Media

Watch: Bison's Icy Tumble Is All Too Relatable

At least we now know the ice is thick enough to hold a lot of weight!

The bison in Yellowstone National Park are a sight to see, but winter in Yellowstone brings a slippery playground with a lot less tourists to spectate the giant beats. And when visitors are away, it turns out bison share the same struggles we do: A recent video posted to Facebook shows a massive bison hit a patch of ice, sending him sliding and scrambling to get back on his hooves.

The hilarious video was shared on Creekside at Yellowstone's Facebook page, amassing thousands of likes, shares, and comments from bemused viewers, and receiving over 500,000 views. But, really, there hasn't been a more relatable animal video circulating the internet in a long time.

There's nothing worse than sliding across slippery ice with all your friends watching. I mean, really, they never let things like that go. This poor bison is going to be hearing about his stumble until next spring!

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The poor bison was just following his friends when he hit the ice and quite literally hit the deck, sliding across the ice on his bottom. Just when he thought the worst was over and he was back on his hooves, the ice patch strikes again—sending the bison flying forward onto his face. He recovers nicely and walks off onto the snow after his friends.

While it gave viewers a good laugh—with many saying something akin to, "Happens to the best of us"—others took a more practical approach, commenting, "At least we know the ice is pretty stable." Another viewer replied, "Thankful that he didn't cause the ice to break under him... I had to giggle though."

You have to feel a little bad laughing at the big guy's expense. But the visual of such a large creature in such a relatable predicament is too hard to NOT laugh at.

Bison are a common sight in the Lamar Valley and throughout Yellowstone, with about 6,000 among the two herds living in the park. But they are typically in the news for more negative reasons, such as their dangerous run-ins with park visitors. It's nice to see them in a more humorous light!

READ MORE: South Dakota Bison May Be Key to Saving the Entire U.S. Population