Snow Goose
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Hunter Miraculously Catches Snow Goose Out of Sky

Some days everything falls perfectly in place when out for a goose hunt: your spread is on point, blinds are beyond concealed, wind direction is optimum, and large flocks of birds are in flight. These outings don't happen often, but when they do, a memorable hunt will be on tap. The following clip highlights one of those stellar days but has an intriguing twist you must see to believe: a hunter catches a goose with his bare hands!

Here's JD "Quick Hands" Stanley working his magic. It's one of those things you would never believe were there not footage to back up the wild claim.

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What are the chances, right? It's like watching Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel painting come to life. Only, you know, with a goose. As you can see, the sky was thick with snow geese here. It's safe to say that these guys have a prime hunting spot when the birds are so numerous they can be captured by hand. Don't bet on this happening to you any time you go out hunting. Charles Darwin would have something to say about a bird flying so perilously low.

It was probably a reactionary thing where he put his hand up, not expecting to grab the bird, and ended up with a handful of webbed feet. That catch undoubtedly put the cherry on top of a successful snow goose hunt. He was lucky someone was filming. We would otherwise chalk this up as one of our buddy's tall tales.

If only it were easy! These guys are on the snow goose hunting trip of a lifetime. We're jealous. These are the types of memories that will last a lifetime!

This article was originally published on October 29, 2020.