Orissa Kelly/Facebook

Video: Crazy Handstand Archery Shot... With Mom Holding the Target

You know your Mom's pretty badass when...

Orissa Kelly certainly has some exceptional talent. In fact, she has performed on the television program Britain's Got Talent showcasing her unorthodox skills.

The twenty-two year old, who hails from St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England, travels the world performing and is UK's only foot archer - as well as the only fire foot archer in the world.

handstand archery shot

We know the following stunt she performs is like old hat for her, but still, it's pretty nuts to have your own mother stand in as part of the target while you sling an arrow at her. More so when that arrow is being slung from a handstand position! Have to love a Mom who trusts her daughter with her life.

Here's the cool video Kelly posted to her Facebook page on June 10:

We love the sense of humor in this clip. (I'm not quite sure I'd volunteer to be a part of the act, though.)

handstand archery shot

Kelly left the UK on August 23 to perform throughout South America for the next eight months and will be embarking on a world tour after that. Judging from her raw skill, we know it's going to be a huge success.

Images Courtesy of Orissa Kelly/Facebook.

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