tournament anglers calf rescue fishing boat

Two Tournament Anglers Use Fishing Boat to Rescue a Stranded Calf

Two Anglers engage in a lengthy calf rescue using their fishing boat. 

These two tournament fisherman discovered a calf that managed to get stuck on the side of a steep embankment with nowhere to go. Thankfully, this lengthy calf rescue ended in a safe and successful return to the cow pasture.

The first attempt with the rope is a great idea, however, pulling a baby cow up a muddy embankment is difficult for anyone.

Believe it or not, these fisherman sacrificed a lot to get this calf. They sacrificed their comfort, their warmth and dryness, their clean boat all just to save a mere cow. They also sacrificed time in their tournament when they could be catching fish. This is the epitome of selfless.

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After several attempts they could have left the calf to fend for itself.

These fishermen could have easily passed by and wrote it off as not their problem. Instead, they decided to help save the calf's life. They eventually got the calf up the bank and reunited with the other cows.

NEXT: Four-Hour Rescue Ends in Successful Release of Trapped Whale