The Story Behind the Largest Buck Shot So Far in 2017

Strap in for this hunter's journey that led him to finally landing this Iowa giant.

As we've seen on social media and within our deer hunting circles, 2017 has been an amazing year for big bucks so far. However, no matter how many big deer get killed, there always has to be one that's bigger than the others.

Well, the biggest buck of 2017 so far is this Iowa brute and this is the story of how it all came to fruition. On Nov. 12, 2017, the stars aligned for Nick in the magical land of Iowa.

Despite many false rumors, the truth comes out in this video. It's just too bad hunters have to deal with so much negativity when they accomplish something so great. This deer wasn't pen-raised, and it wasn't poached. This deer was a product of hard work on free-range property.

Check it out.

Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa

Four years of history with this buck kept this guy's mind racing all the time. After collecting multiple sheds, Nick put this deer to rest and sealed the deal on the once-in-a-lifetime buck.

This deer's 24 scoreable points and green gross score of 254 6/8 inches has this buck atop the totem pole for whitetails in 2017.

Another Iowa giant...who would have guessed?