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Sheer Brilliance: Smash-and-Grab Burglar Takes Selfies with Stolen Guns, Faces 10 Years in Prison

Even the underworld of criminal activity isn't immune to selfie-obsessed egotists.

What happens when an 18-year-old cell phone-toting criminal makes a getaway with 25 guns? He takes barrage of selfies and texts them to friends. What else?

According to the Denver Post, 18-year-old Viet Trinh is facing 10 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000, all because he took a selfie.

Okay, so it's really because he decided to take a selfie with stolen guns and texted them to friends with comments about killing police.

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According to reports, Trinh was not alone in the smash-and-grab robbery.

The three other would-be robbers were able to steal 25 guns during their escapade into the underworld.

However, the phone-centric narcissism that has gripped much of the world proved to be their undoing.

I guess the guys at Dumb Criminals have another one to add to their line-up.