Six Winners Of Louisiana Hog Hunting Contest Accused Of Cheating
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Six Winners Of Louisiana Hog Hunting Contest Accused Of Cheating

Who says that cheaters never win? They just get arrested afterward. Louisiana wildlife officials arrested and charged six men in a state-ran hog hunting contest. They alleged that the six men committed fraud by cheating in the competition. According to state officials, the men turned in wild hogs that they caught in Texas.

That's close to Louisana, right? Wrong! Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) law enforcement agent arrested 30-year-old Trace Davis of Longville, 27-year-old Hunter Web, 35-year-old Davy Haymon, and 40-year-old Don Pollard Jr., all of Pitkin; 26-year-old Coby Bushnell of Dry Creek; and 34-year-old Nathan Granger of Vinton. Officials charged them with both criminal conspiracy as well as hunting contest fraud.

But why stop there, right? Officials also charged Davis, Webb, Bushnell, Haymon and Pollard Jr. with violating interstate commerce. Davis also got slapped with an obstruction of justice as well. Exactly, what Davis did to get the extra-charge remains to be seen. To cap off the charges, authorities charged Webb with hunting under a hunting license suspension. Yikes!

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Hog Hunting Carries Stiff Sentence

The incident happened earlier this year, but authorities gathered evidence on the six individuals over the past few months. They claim that they caught hogs in Texas and turned them in for the Dingler Wild Hog Roundup in February and the Swamp Time Hog Hunt in March. According to rules for the competition, hunters must catch the hogs in Louisiana. They also must be caught during the contest dates.

Ultimately, Granger ended up turning himself into the police on June 4. The rest turned themselves in on June 7. There's no clue how long they spent in jail. However, they'll have their day in court. According to Louisiana state law, hunting contest fraud and criminal conspiracy face a year in jail and a $3,000 fine. Likewise, charges of violating interstate commerce face up to a $950 fine and 120 days in jail. Obstruction of justice carries a hefty sentence of $10,000 and five years in jail.

Meanwhile, Webb faces 90 days in jail and a fine up to $500 for that suspended hunting license charge. We'll keep you updated on the case as it transpires.