two-headed fawn

Rare Two-Headed Fawn and its Fascinating Story [VIDEO]

This two-headed fawn, found stillborn, is the only known one in existence.

Kevin Sears was out mushroom hunting in southeast Minnesota when he stumbled across a rare and unique find: a perfectly preserved two-headed fawn. It is believed the fawn was stillborn, as the body had been licked clean by the mother and the umbilical cord chewed off. Recognizing her fawn was not alive, the doe subsequently wandered off, leaving the anomalous creature behind.

Sears contacted a local conservation officer to report the find, at which point the fawn was placed in a freezer to preserve it. The fawn, which was carried to term, had one liver and one set of lungs, but two hearts and two heads. It also had a fully developed skeleton.

Lou Cornicelli, a DNR wildlife research manager, asked Robert Utne, owner of Wild Images in Motion based in Savage, Minnesota, and taxidermist Jessica Brooks to mount the rare little deer. Here's the fascinating video which highlights this unique find, as well as the step-by-step details of how it was mounted:

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Talk about a unusual find. Even more surprising is the pristine condition the little fawn was found in. Definitely lucky timing.

Do you have any rare outdoor finds of your own? We'd love to hear your stories.

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