public land transfer myths

Randy Newberg and the TRCP Scrub Out Public Land Transfer Myths

Randy Newberg sets it straight on public land transfer myths and the present threat to your access and use of this national resource.

If you want the raw numbers on public land funding issues and the current threat on this precious national treasure you have to watch this. Randy Newberg and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership are vocal in protecting public lands and we should all take notice.

When you see the numbers laid out and how many States have sold off public land once they took possession it is somewhat shocking. Often when I talk to people about public lands they assume this is a problem for hunters and anglers only but when public land is sold off we all lose control to access. This can affect hikers, campers, dog walkers, waterskiiers, and many others with hobbies besides hunting and fishing. Not too mention, once national control is lost, the land can be altered and conservation may become a low priority.

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For us to do our part, consider joining any one of the numerous conservation organizations that exist and lobby to protect public lands and access. It is a fight we cannot lose.